Firepower: Deep and Shallow
Phil Connor
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Author’s Note: This year, I’ll take readers on a journey that explores how our lives are like rivers running through us. Each attribute of these rivers represents an aspect of our lives. So grab a paddle and join me in the Firepower kayak as we embark on a journey to explore the river within you. This month, we’ll explore the deep and the shallows.
Rivers travel through diverse terrains, cutting paths that vary in width and depth. There may be shallow, gentle sections that are crystal clear, and there can be deep, dark, and turbulent spans that move more quickly. Our lives similarly will vary between degrees of depth, bringing us our own challenges and rewards. Similar to the deep and shallow parts of rivers, the different stages, emotions, or experiences we encounter along our respective journeys shape us and equip us for later parts of the journey. These changing aspects make our lives more interesting and the relationships along the way more enriching.
The Shallows
The shallow parts of a river can symbolize the lighter, more carefree moments in our lives. These sections are often characterized by clear, calm waters that allow us to see the bottom. The shallower phases in our lives can be periods of clarity and simplicity, allowing us to see and understand our immediate future and creating a sense of stability and security. In the shallows, we encounter fewer obstacles and can move forward with ease. Our early years often resemble these shallow parts, filled with innocence and curiosity. Just as young rivers flow gently over smooth beds, our early life is generally marked by simplicity and a sense of seeing everything clearly. The challenges we face are often smaller and more manageable during this phase of life.
Shallow waters also glisten in the sunlight, reflecting joy and brightness. These moments in our lives might include times of leisure and contentment but also present opportunities to reflect. These are periods when life feels lighter, and we float effortlessly, enjoying the scenery around us without the weight of deeper concerns. Shallow waters are typically easier to navigate, much like the predictable routines that often define certain stages of our lives. During these times, we might follow established paths or routines, making decisions with relative ease. The transparency of the shallow water is relaxing, enabling us to recharge and recalibrate.
The Deep
The deep parts of a river symbolize the complex, more intense moments of our lives. These sections can be murky, turbulent waters that hide the riverbed from view, much like how the deeper phases of our lives might seem filled with uncertainty and complexity. As we age, we move into deeper waters, taking on more responsibilities and encountering more significant challenges. We also have more relationships, friendships, and experience to help us navigate these waters. Just as deeper sections of a river can be more dangerous and difficult to navigate, this stage of our lives demands greater strength and resilience.
Deep waters are often unpredictable and can appear calm on the surface while hiding powerful currents underneath. Similarly, periods of emotional and personal growth can be tumultuous and challenging, even if they seem stable outwardly. These times may include starting a new business, getting married, or experiencing other life events that test our limits and push us to grow beyond our comfort zones. There’s an old saying that “smooth seas never made a seasoned sailor,” and that’s because navigating turbulent waters requires skill and builds courage. Navigating these life experiences enables us to grow and mature. The deepest parts of a river are often where the water is the most turbulent and wild. This mirrors the times in our lives marked by struggle, loss, and profound reflection. These periods can be dark and isolating, but they are also the moments where we learn the most about ourselves, our relationships, and our resilience. Just as the river carves new paths through rock, these deep waters shape and define us, leaving us changed but often strengthened.
These periods can be dark and isolating, but they are also the moments where we learn the most about ourselves, our relationships, and our resilience.
The Interplay Between Deep and Shallow
One aspect of rivers is the constant change between deep and shallow sections. A river does not remain uniformly shallow or deep but flows between these extremes, creating a dynamic and varied landscape. Our lives similarly ebb and flow between depth and shallowness, each phase preparing us for the next. These transitions in a river can be sudden or gradual. In our lives, significant transitions—such as moving from youth to adulthood, changing jobs, or ending a long-time relationship—require us to adapt and respond to changing circumstances. These transitions are essential for our growth and development, making us more resilient and versatile.
The experiences we gain from navigating both shallow and deep waters can enrich our lives. The simplicity and joy of shallow moments teach us appreciation and gratitude, while the challenges and depths of our darkest times impart wisdom and strength. Over time, just as a river erodes rock to create deeper channels, these experiences shape our character, making us more profound and empathetic individuals. We find solace in the people who accompany us down the river, as they help remind us of the importance of balance and perspective. Life cannot be all joy without challenges, nor all struggles without moments of pause. The balance between these extremes can give us the energy and perspective to face life’s deeper challenges while reminding us of our capability to endure and grow.
Rule 3: Our lives flow continuously.
A river is a flowing entity that’s constantly moving and evolving. It symbolizes the relentless passage of time and the ongoing journey of life. Like a river, our lives are a continuous flow of experiences, each contributing to our overall journey. While a river eventually reaches the sea, the value lies not just in the destination, but also in the journey itself. Our lives, too, are not just about reaching an endpoint but about the experiences and growth we encounter along the way. The journey, with its alternating depths and shallows, is what can make our life rich and meaningful.
I look forward to our journey together down your river. Thanks for reading—and have a prosperous month ahead!
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Phil Connor
Phil is always working with his team at Ignition Labratory to find new ways to spread the fire. If you found Phil's column impactful, or if you'd like to have him speak at an upcoming event, contact him at