With Tim Reed

Why Relationships With Legislators Are So Important
Featuring Jason Tolleson
What do retailers need to understand about working with legislators who work in government? That relationships matter.
In this episode, Tim Reed talks with Jason Tolleson (the new Senior Director of Government Affairs at the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association) about how his past decades in government affairs have showed him the power of relationships. At the end of the day, our government is comprised of people and the effort we make to engage with them at the human level makes a huge difference.
It’s easy to get cynical and think there’s no one who actually cares about your business, but that’s forfeiting your voice before you even have a chance to use it. You can make a difference for our industry by reaching out to local officials, inviting them to visit your business, and learn firsthand about how you are serving your employees and the community as well.
Don’t miss this episode!
Links from this episode:
- Here’s a link to the debate mentioned in this episode: https://seattlechannel.org/CityInsideOut?videoid=x159478