Firepower: Fitness

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Firepower: Fitness

Phil Connor

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When we look at the calendar year of a typical hearth business, this month is often the busiest. Installing new equipment, servicing existing products, and supporting our customers is at its peak volume this time of the year. Understandably, we’re often more focused on our businesses than our overall well-being. Self-care often gets neglected as we try to accomplish 30 hours of work in a 24-hour day. Even though it’s difficult, we know that to sustain excellent performance we need to maintain our fitness. This month, let’s examine the physical, mental, emotional, and social benefits of fitness and identify small steps we can take to ensure we can survive the season but also maximize our long-term health.

Physical Benefits

Engaging in regular physical activity fosters a healthier lifestyle, improving our life expectancy and our quality of life. When we exercise we strengthen our heart muscle, improve blood circulation, reduce our blood pressure, and lower our cholesterol levels. The busyness of life can distract us from what we know—that when we exercise, even a little, we reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks or strokes. Furthermore, when we maintain a healthy weight by eating quality foods in proper portions, we prevent obesity and related ailments, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

When we exercise we strengthen our heart muscle, improve blood circulation, reduce our blood pressure, and lower our cholesterol levels.

Short, brisk walks are a great addition to our day. If we need to talk to team members in the rear warehouse, let’s commit to not page or call them, but to walk there to discuss what needs to be covered. We may not have time to take a break for 20 to 30 minutes to eat lunch, but we can take five minutes for a brisk walk around the property. Fresh air will also help us strengthen our immune system against infections and diseases.

Mental Benefits

When we exercise, our bodies produce endorphins, which help us reduce anxiety and depression. Studies also show that routine exercise tends to improve brain function and protect our memory and thinking skills. What’s more, exercise reduces stress hormones like cortisol in the body while stimulating endorphins, which can foster relaxation and improve sleep quality. 

Let’s be disciplined with our sleep patterns this time of year. Let’s accept that the quantity of time will be limited but ensure that the quality is high. Regardless of what happens during our day, let’s commit to set times for both when we go to bed and wake up for the next four to six weeks. This routine will help our body as it adapts to the higher pace of life. Let’s focus on minimizing the stimulants—like sugar-loaded energy drinks—we drink and eat. Quality inputs to our body lead to quality outputs in our performance.

Studies also show that routine exercise tends to improve brain function and protect our memory and thinking skills.

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Emotional Benefits

Regular physical activity can improve our self-image and self-esteem, increasing our confidence in our physical appearance and performance. When our hearts and lungs improve, we have more energy to tackle the daily tasks and chores we need to accomplish. As our mental health and physical health improve, our energy levels and cognitive function increase as well. 

Breathing deeply is a valuable activity for us. Before eating, whether on the fly or at set times of the day, let’s consider pausing. Before we unwrap the pastry or take a bite of a home-cooked meal, let’s commit to focusing on five deep breaths. By inhaling slowly and deeply, then just as slowly exhaling, we become more mindful of our breathing and our bodies. Our lower heart rate reduces the tendency to overeat, and we will be more fully present to the environment around us.

By inhaling slowly and deeply, then just as slowly exhaling, we become more mindful of our breathing and our bodies.

Social Benefits

When we exercise in group sports (by participating in fitness classes or logging our results in a group chat on social media), it promotes social interaction. When we interact with others, we build a sense of community and belonging. Friendships and support networks like these are important for our health and well-being. Activities like biking, hiking, or other sports foster communication and mutual support when done with others.

Consider having a fitness board at work where everyone can share the activities they participate in. Pinning up pictures of crossing a finish line, reaching a mountain summit, or raising a glass together after a group bike ride will foster engagement. During the peak of burn season, these types of sharing can be positive opportunities to connect. They also highlight how much we value each other.

Long-Term Benefits

Numerous studies have shown that regular physical activity increases life expectancy. Being active consistently lowers the risks of diseases and improves the overall performance of the body, leading to a longer, healthier life. When we make time to be active, it enables us to perform everyday activities better. The goal should be a more balanced, richer lifestyle, which in turn helps us cope with life’s challenges and adversities we encounter. As we increase our fitness, we provide a sense of control and boost our resilience.

The goal should be a more balanced, richer lifestyle, which in turn helps us cope with life’s challenges and adversities we encounter.

Incorporating fitness into our lives is an investment in our physical, mental, and emotional health. More than just disease prevention, it helps us improve our capabilities, enhances our mood, and fosters better social connections. Let’s make our fitness a priority this burn season so we’re on the path to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. My hope is you will share ways you have found you can maintain your fitness during the busiest times of the year. Thanks for reading—and have a prosperous month ahead!

Phil Connor

Phil Connor

Phil is always working with his team at Ignition Labratory to find new ways to spread the fire. If you found Phil's column impactful, or if you'd like to have him speak at an upcoming event, contact him at

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